Will you stand with us for equal protection by donating today?
Click the button below to choose where to allocate your donation. You can support the work here in Texas or the advancement of equal protection across the country.
Roe v. Wade is gone, but babies are still being legally murdered in all 50 states.
In 2023, an estimated 19,000 preborn babies will still be murdered by self-managed abortion on Texas soil.

If current rates hold through the end of the year, across the country an estimated 1.1 million plus will have been murdered. That means abortion numbers are going up not down.
Even though as many as 14 states claim to have banned abortion now that Roe is gone, babies are still denied the equal protection of the laws in those states.

The laws that protect OUR lives from murder, do not protect their lives. And tens of thousands of babies are still dying because of it every year.

Now is not the time to declare victory, or start counting “abortion-free” states… because there aren’t any.
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Roe is gone, but abortion is still alive and well.
Help fuel the fight to abolish it!
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Pro-Life laws are not working. Not in Texas. Not anywhere.
That’s why our work is so important!

Current laws, built on 50 years of Pro-Life strategy, do not work.

Why not? Because they reject what God commands.

God says:

✅ DO love your neighbors as yourselves (Lev. 19:18, Matt. 22:39).
❌ DON’T practice partiality in judgment (Deut. 1:17, Prov. 24:23).

Yet, Pro-Life laws deny babies the same protections of law that protect the rest of us.

These laws show partiality by ensuring that pregnant mothers are not subject to the same laws as everyone else. This allows women to continue legally killing their sons and daughters by self-managed abortion even in states with “total bans.” And tens of thousands of women are doing it.
If you want this fight to be Christian, then help.
If you want it to be about the gospel, then please help.
If you want it to be consistent, then help.
If you want it to be without compromise, you’re in the right place.
And if you want abortion to be abolished, then be a part of it here.
Equal protection is the answer!
The shocking thing is that, now that Roe is gone, many Pro-Life organizations and advocates are declaring victory and celebrating “abortion-free” states. Many are reporting that abortions are down to nearly zero in some states, even though that is false.

Many Christians who want abortion to be abolished are being led to believe that the battle is already won when it isn’t. Not even close.

Even worse than that, when we do get equal protection legislation filed in Texas or other states, our stiffest opposition often comes from Pro-Life lobbyists and politicians. Not only are they ignoring the truth that abortion is still legal in all 50 states, many of them are OPPOSING equal protection which is the only righteous and effective answer to the murder of babies.

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There are no abortion-free states...yet.
Help us get the word out.

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This is an entirely worthy ministry for your church to consider supporting.
That's why we need YOU to partner with us in this fight.
Abolish Abortion Texas (AATX) and the Foundation to Abolish Abortion (FAA) are drafting the equal protection legislation that many Pro-Life organizations don’t even want to talk about. And we are working to equip grassroots advocates to effectively push that legislation forward until it succeeds here in Texas and across the country.

AATX and FAA have a track record of working to make every donation count in the fight for equal protection. We refuse to dilute the impact of donations like yours by supporting compromised legislation that rejects God’s commands.

We seek to honor God in this fight and to protect babies by leading with principled advocacy on behalf of preborn children in Texas and across the country until the life of every baby is equally protected by the same laws that protect the rest of us.
Your donation today will:
1. Help us draft strong, state-specific equal protection legislation to protect babies with the same laws that protect the rest of us.
2. Help us get the word out about what’s really going on in the post-Roe fight so Christians know what we’re really up against, and how to fight it.
3. Help fuel our efforts to educate and equip Christians to advocate effectively for equal protection without compromise.
4. Enable us to provide critical support to grassroots advocates across the country who face massive obstacles (including opposition from Pro-Life lobbyists and legislators) as they fight to advance the only legislation that will truly abolish abortion in their states.
Abolitionist advocates not only have to face opposition from radical pro-abortion activists, they face even more destructive and discouraging opposition from Pro-Life lobbyists and politicians who should be on our side.

If we don’t equip and encourage these courageous advocates, who will?

Christians in Texas and across the country need our support in 2024. You can help ensure we are there beside them by investing in our work today.
Will you stand with us for equal protection by donating today?
Click the button below to choose where to allocate your donation. You can support the work here in Texas or the advancement of equal protection across the country.
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